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Student-Led, Innovation-Fueled: Building Tomorrow's Success Stories at UIUC

A student-run incubator program that is dedicated to student founders. We mentor early-stage student startups, host pitch competitions, and participate in the latest conversations with the startup space.

Fall 2024 Applications Open

We believe that support in the earliest stages is crucial. We are a dedicated team that'll help you accomplish your ambitous goals.

As an experienced team deeply committed to the success of startups, our strength, unwavering focus, and extensive experience converge to provide unparalleled support in driving growth. With a collective expertise honed through diverse challenges, we stand ready to guide and elevate each startup under our care to unprecedented heights of success.

30 +
Team Members
150 +
Incubator Alums
6 +
University Partnerships
Incubator Cohorts

Part of the Greater UIUC Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

Student-Led, Innovation-Fueled: Building Tomorrow's Success Stories at UIUC.