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The Incubator

Taking Your Ideas From

Zero to One

We take our incubator, technology, and culture seriously,

to help aspiring founders succeed.

The Zero2One Path: Learn Build Launch Sticker

Learn: At Zero2One, we prioritize learning, equipping aspiring entrepreneurs with essential skills and knowledge through workshops and mentorship, enabling them to make informed decisions and develop innovative solutions.

Build: We provide a supportive environment where startups can turn ideas into reality, offering expert guidance, well-equipped co-working spaces, and access to cutting-edge technologies to help them build their products or services.

Launch: Our ultimate goal is to see startups thrive, and we support them with marketing strategies, investor connections, and networking opportunities, ensuring they are well-prepared to overcome challenges and achieve sustainable growth. Read on to learn more.

Weeks 1-3


The First Step into the World of Entreprenuership

In the first few week at Zero2One's startup Incubator, aspiring entrepreneurs undergo intensive learning, ideation, and mentorship to refine their business ideas and form comprehensive business plans. By the end of this period, they emerge equipped with well-defined strategies, setting a strong foundation for transforming their dreams into successful startups.

Co-Founder Matching:

Forge connections with your cohort and build a strong and diverse team

Defining Problem Statement:

Learn about the problems that interest you from the perspective of actual customers and use their experiences to develop an effective solution

Customer Validation:

Gather feedback about your idea from potential customers and improve on it until it actually meets the market's need

Weeks 4-6


Effectively Setting Up and Structuring Your Business

Once founders have an idea of what product they want to pursue, they will delve into the task of researching market trends and identifying stakeholders to support their idea. Throughout our workshops, we help students complete this process as quickly and efficiently as possible with the help of experienced mentors who use their own entrepreneurial experience to provide guidance on avoiding and overcoming potential obstacles.

Market Research/KPIs:

Identify the size of the market that needs your product and scope out key performance metrics that will measure your business' performance

Competitive Analysis:

Research other players in your market niche and identify the characteristics of your idea that distinguish you from the rest

Business Model:

Create a plan for payment that is flexible enough to meet the needs of your stakeholders and maximizes your business' overall profits

Weeks 7-8


Bring Your Idea to Life

By the end of the incubator program, founders will have developed a working prototype of their initial idea as well as a clear and concise pitch that showcases the imminent need for their product.


Create a minimum viable prototype that proves the practicality of your initial idea, whether it's in the form of a mobile app or a more complex software/hardware tool

Weeks 9-10

Launchpad Pitch Competition

Presenting your work to a panel of judges as well as your peers

The incubator closes off with a final Demo Day pitching event that brings together venture capitalists and startup founders as judges who select teams that can win access to mentorship resources and cash prizes.


Build an effective slide deck and deliver a pitch that highlights the best aspects of your product to attract stakeholders

Student-Led, Innovation-Fueled: Building Tomorrow's Success Stories at UIUC.